MBX Restricted and Limited 10 & 15 Round Magazines


MBX Limited 10 Round Design Features Video

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Proven High Performance Competition Ready Magazine for sti/sv & all 2011 style Pistols.

- Made from Heat treated 410 Stainless Steel for Ultimate Durability.

- Limited 10rd magazines are designed to give 100% feeding and reliability.

- Ergonomically engineered for fast easy reloads and for easy setting when loaded to capacity.

- CA, NJ, NY, CT legal along with other 10rd restricted states.

- Made with Exclusive Features to meet the Highest Demands for today’s Shooters.

- Witness holes on the rear of the tube to indicate 10rd count.

- MBX Tube is designed to work with sti/sv & all 2011 style pistol grips and mag catch heights. However, the NEW sti grips due to the reworking on some models, MBX cannot guarantee our magazines will drop-free and the grip may need to be adjusted.

- MBX Tubes are designed to work exclusively with MBX Springs, Followers, & Basepad. MBX Tubes are not designed to work with other manufacturers components. MBX Magazines are Made to Work Right out of the Bag!

Nitride/DLC/Tin and other surface coatings are ALL subject to wear upon repeated contact. For Maintenance on the exterior we recommend wiping with very lightly oiled cloth.


Consistent slide lock requires the slide to travel its designed entire distance, rearward under live fire. Because of varying slide stop fitment tolerances, such as detent retainer pressure, shock buffs, and correct recoil springs for factory and the various reloads. The slide lock option may be effected by any of these issues and possible others and will need to be addressed by a competent gunsmith if not consistent.